Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Beneficial


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Physical therapy aids individuals of all ages who suffer from illnesses, medical conditions or injuries that limit their capacity to move and function.

A personalized physical therapy program could help people get back to their original level of functioning and help encourage lifestyle changes that can help prevent further injury as well as improve overall health and well-being. Primary care physicians often refer patients to physical therapy when they first notice the onset of an issue, as it is regarded as an approach that is conservative in managing issues. What makes physical therapy so beneficial? In honor of Physical Therapy month in October Here are 10 ways physical therapy can be beneficial to you:

Reduce or eliminate pain

Manual therapy and therapeutic exercises techniques like joint and soft tissue mobilization or treatments such as tapping, ultrasound or electrical stimulation may help alleviate discomfort and restore joint and muscle function to reduce discomfort. These treatments can also help keep pain from recurring.

Prevent operation

If physical therapy is helping in reducing pain or healing from an injury, surgery might not be necessary. And even if surgery is needed it is possible to benefit from pre-surgery physical therapy. In many instances you'll be able to heal faster if you go into surgery in a healthier and fit condition. In addition, by not having surgeries, the costs of health care can be reduced.

Enhance mobility

Physical therapy is an excellent alternative for those who have trouble standing, walking, or getting around. Stretching and strengthening exercises aid in restoring your ability to move. Physical therapists can adapt individuals using a cane, crutches or any other assistive device, or assess the need for orthotic prescription. Through the creation of an individual plan, any thing is crucial to the individual's lifestyle is able to be taught and modified to maximize efficiency and safety.



Recover from stroke

Following a stroke, it is typical to experience a impairment in movement and function. Physical therapy can help strengthen weak areas of the body, and improve gait and balance. Physical therapists are able to help stroke patients to move more comfortably in their bed and allow them to become more independent.

To prevent or recover from injuries from sports.

Physical therapists are aware of how various sport activities increase your chances of getting certain types of injuries (such as stress fractures that can be a problem for distance runners). To ensure that you are safe returning to your sport, they can help you design the right rehabilitation or preventive exercises.

Enhance your balance and avoid from falling

You will be screened for the risk of falling at the time you start shoulder pain therapy. If you're at a high chance of falling, your therapist will give you exercises that are safe and gently test your balance as a way to simulate real-world situations. Therapists can also assist you with coordination exercises and assistive devices to assist you in walking more safely. When the balance problem is caused by a problem in one's vestibular system Physical therapists can carry out specific movements that help return proper functioning of the vestibular system, and also reduce and eliminate symptoms of dizziness or vertigo.

Control blood sugar and other vascular disorders

Exercise can be part of a diabetes management program. Patients with diabetes may experience issues with their legs or feet. Patients with diabetes can be assisted by physical therapists in learning the proper care for feet and avoid the occurrence of future problems.

Control age-related problems

As individuals age, they might develop osteoporosis or arthritis or require an orthopedic replacement. Physical therapists can assist patients with joint replacements and maintain arthritic and osteoporotic conditions.

Treat lung and heart disease

Although patients can complete cardiac rehabilitation following an attack on their heart or other procedure and also receive massage therapy if your daily functioning is impaired. For respiratory issues physical therapy can help improve the quality of your life by strengthening, conditioning and breathing exercises. They also help patients clear fluid in the lungs.

Manage Women's Health and other issues

Women have specific health concerns including post-partum care and pregnancy. Physical therapists offer specialized management of issues related to women's health. PT can also offer specific treatment forbreast cancer, constipation, and Fibromyalgia.