Tips to Prevent Substance Use


substance abuse


It is no secret that substance addiction has caused a huge impact in almost every society. It's one of the greatest hindrances for progress in virtually every field of human endeavour. While a number of authorities and government agencies have substantially intensified their efforts at curbing this deadly vice but there is still a lot to be done in terms of individual responsibility. Without concerted efforts, cases of abuse of substances will continue to increase in alarming proportions.

How can you prevent substance use?

Considering the overwhelming evidence affirming the harmful nature of addiction to substances, each person is responsible to abstain from all manner of activities which could result in drug abuse. Substances and drugs likely to be abused include alcohol or bhang, cocaine and heroin. Here are some useful suggestions that can aid in avoiding the abuse of substances:

Get Help For Mental Illness

There is a direct connection between an individual's state of mind and substance abuse. Stress-related mental disorders such as anxiety, stress, trauma and depression are all likely to lead to a person turning to drugs and other dangerous substances. It is advisable to seek the advice of a professional therapist to guide you through your mental state.

Beware of temptations and peer pressure

Friendships can have a significant influence on your life. they can either be the difference between your success or failure. You should surround yourself with friends who aren't able to convince you to engage in alcohol or drugs for the sake of showing loyalty. Make friends who will respect your decisions and share the same goals.



Examine Risk Factors

Understanding the risk factors that trigger addiction to substances, you can be able to overcome the cravings common to drug and substance abuse users. Research findings show that teens and drugs is a genetic habit that dates back several generations within a family tree. This knowledge is useful in helping you overcome the desire to indulge in drugs.

Keep a balanced life

If you live a balanced life, you are mindful of the various factors that make life worthwhile. Social networks are a crucial part of making sure you live a balanced and healthy life. Family is equally important as it will determine your direction with your ambitions, goals and hopes.

What Are The Behavioral Signs and symptoms of drug and Substance Use?

The severity of the addiction can affect the manifestations and symptoms. These signs and symptoms can be easily detected and treated before it turns into an issue that requires serious treatment. Here are some common signs that indicate a person is a user of drugs.

Lethargy - A drug addict feels drowsy after using a certain drug or substance. After that, they are lazy and are not able to complete the tasks of daily life which make their lives worthwhile.

Criminal involvement If a person starts to abuse substances it is likely that they will be at risk of chance of losing their job and even disrupting family relations until they are unable to locate the money. Victims are then forced to choose between engaging in criminal activities to earn cash to sustain their drug addiction.

The consequences of substance abuse can be irreparably damaging to lives. In order to live a fulfilling life, it's essential to stay clear of drugs and other dangerous substances. If you are committed and dedicated living a healthy and sober lifestyle isn't a distant dream.